Stump Removal Services Near Seattle

Is there an old tree stump in your lawn? Wish it was gone?

Not interested in doing it by yourself?

You can go over your situation with a local pro.

Old Tree Services Around the Western Washington Region

There are several experts in King County who are ready to help you out.

Arrange for an experienced specialist to come by your house and get the job done.

Affordable Stump Grinding Company Near Seattle

You don’t need to put up with an old fallen or dead tree, you can have your situation taken care of.

After you pick which day is the best for you, your Emerald City crew will take care of all the rest.

Most lawn jobs are very clear-cut and get completed in a single short visit.

Removal Versus Grinding – What Is the Difference?

Most tree stumps are gotten rid of through grinding.

The grinding procedure uses a machine to methodically sliced up the tree and its roots into little chips.

But a grinder can’t reach the roots of an old tree which have extended underneath a building or sidewalk and are creating a problem.

Those and long roots have to come out, but they are a more sensitive job, usually done with hand tools.

This sort of project will take your contractor more time to do. It’s more difficult.

Cost of Tree Stump Removal or Grinding in Seattle

Concerned about how much this might cost?

Job duration is the main cost component. Short jobs are less expensive than longer ones.

The big factor, naturally, is simply how big the old tree was.

Size is the primary factor, but it isn’t always the only one.

Maybe there is more than one old tree to take out.

For a more difficult eradication project, cost mostly depends on how difficult it will be to carry out.

A tree with long roots in a tricky location might require a lot of physical labor and take a long time.

Smaller ones in an easy to get to place get done much quicker.

Really old trunks are simpler to chip up than a just-cut tree.

And trees that have fallen remain somewhat in the ground are harder still.

Talk To a Professional Local WA Stump Grinder

Some of these jobs are carried out by small local companies who do almost nothing else but take out fallen or cut trees.

And the leftover jobs are completed by local landscapers who work on a variety of lawn issues.

Whoever you decide to go with will take care of it for you.

What You Can Expect to Take Place

First, your specialist has to find a way to put their machine into position.

He then turns it on and methodically begins to nick away at the leftover trunk and roots.

The process takes a while.

Eventually, you will have a pile of wood chips close to where that tree used to stand.

There might be an indentation where the tree used to stand.

You might need to get some new dirt and grass seed.

Local Tree Services Like to Know These Details

  • Is it up against something – like a house or some utility lines?
  • How big is it?
  • Is it an old decaying tree or recently fallen?
  • Are there long roots that extend beneath a sidewalk or driveway?
  • How easy will it be to get to?
  • Is the ground around it level?

Once the tree service realizes your situation, they’ll supply you with a reasonable price quote.

What If I Want To Try Doing The Work?

One or two lawn equipment rental companies will rent you a grinder if you want to try it yourself.

If you have a fairly easy job, maybe you could try it.

But a large tree, or one on a slope, should be left to somebody who has the experience and training to do it.

If you’re going to rent a grinder, be sure to understand how it works.

Stay away from the cutting area and use eye protection.

Could There Be Another Way of Doing This?

There are chemicals which will soften up a dead tree over time. They don’t work fast.

You have to take your longest drill bit and make many holes into the trunk area. You drip in the liquid and wait.

You will ultimately try to chop it up as it becomes softer week by week.

A tall one will require multiple applications and extra time to decay.

If you live out in the country and you want to try it, you might be able to get away with burning yours.

Most urban property owners in communities such as SoDo or Ballard won’t consider burning as being a top option.

A Helpful Pro Around Your Washington Neighborhood

It’s not hard to get a price quote for what you need done.

You have a lot of flexibility for when they schedule your job.

Service is ready in many neighborhoods, especially areas near Belltown, South Lake Union, First Hill, SoDo, International District, Pioneer Square and downtown.

You can get a specialist or crew out to your suburban property as well. Service is available to Ballard, Beacon Hill, Capitol Hill, Burien, Central District, Fremont and Green Lake, Greenwood, Highland Park, Industrial District, Lake City, Lynnwood, Magnolia, Northgate, Queen Anne, Renton, Edmonds, Mountlake Terrace, Mukilteo, West Seattle, University District, SeaTac, Shoreline or Tukwila.

Have it Handled

Eager to get the process started?

You can receive a quote. Pick an appointment date if you want.

It takes only a couple of minutes to move forward.


Professional Assistance is Available in Areas Like These:

  • Belltown
  • South Lake Union
  • First Hill
  • SoDo Area
  • International District
  • Pioneer Square
  • Downtown
  • Most of the north and south suburbs too


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